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What are the precautions in using Artificial hedge

When using an Artificial hedge, you need to pay attention to the following:
Secure installation: Ensure that the artificial shrub can be firmly fixed to the ground to avoid collapsing or shaking. When installing, according to the soil and ground conditions, choose the appropriate support and fixing method.
Water control: Water properly to keep the soil moist and avoid over - or under-watering. Too much water can make the soil too wet and rot the roots of plants. Too little water can cause plants to wilt.
Avoid overpruning: Artificial shrubs usually don't need to be pruned like real plants, except to maintain their shape or remove damaged branches and leaves. Excessive pruning can damage the appearance and growth of plants.
Pay attention to maintenance: Check the appearance and fixation of artificial shrubs regularly, and repair or replace them in time if damaged or shed branches are found. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to cleaning, removing dust and dirt, and keeping it beautiful and clean.
Light control: Artificial shrubs usually need proper sun exposure, but also avoid excessive sun exposure or shade. According to the types of plants and growth needs, choose the appropriate location.
Be safe: When using artificial shrubs, make sure they do not cause harm to people or objects. Avoid children or pets from gnawing or damaging the artificial bush. Pay attention to safety.

In short, when using artificial shrubs, you need to pay attention to the above points to ensure its growth and beauty. At the same time, regular maintenance and maintenance should also be carried out according to the actual situation to ensure the service life and effect of the artificial shrub.

Supply and Installation

Apart from being visually stunning Green walls can also be used in various circumstances whether indoors or outdoors, freestanding or wall-attached, they can be made to suit any requirement and design need.

If you are interested in the Green Wall, please contact us as soon as possible.

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